Yuk kenalan sama Disruptive innovation

Image result for disruptive innovation

Dalam beberapa pertemuan di kelas semester ini, pengembangan teori blue-dan red ocean membawa saya dengan terminologi inovasi disruptif (disruptive innovation). Memang penekanan red-blue ocean ada di pengembangan pasar, namun tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa inovasi -lah yang membuat pasar berubah-begitu pula sebalikanya. Pasar bergerak mengikuti inovasi.

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Air Bersih di Pantai Kapur: Analisis Pemanfaatan Teknologi SWRO (Sea Water Reverse Osmosis) di Kawasan Wisata Pantai Pandawa

I’m currently proposing a research to see whether it is feasible or not of having a SWRO plant installed in Pandawa Beach of Kutuh Village. The technology itself has been implemented in several countries in the world, and I am certain that it’s also possible to install it in Indonesia, especially Bali.

As a green researcher, I’m trying to formulate the feasibility study of having such plant installed in Pandawa Beach. To begin, this pilot reasearch will focus specifically on the economic and technical aspects which also include the projection of visitor coming to the destination in the next 5 years. I’m hoping that this reseach can contribute in giving sollution of water problem in Bali.

Even though the technology is now commonly being used in other parts of the world,  it is still very new for us here in Indonesia. So, to give a clearer insight here’s a brief video of SWRO technology from SUEV environment.

I will be sharing the outcome of this research once it has been finalised.

Stay tuned! 🙂

Sustainable Tourism |12 Aims for Sustainable Tourism

From the  basic concept of sustainable tourism; it’s clear that sustainable tourism was designed not to stop tourism but to manage it in the interests of all three parties involved – the host habitats and communities, the tourists and the industry itself.  It seeks a balance between development and conservation.  It seeks to find the best form of tourism for an area taking into account its ecology and its culture.  It may mean limits to growth, or in some cases no growth at all. The precautionary principle is important here. Continue reading

Marketing 3.0


Leading companies now understand they must reach highly aware, technology savvy customers. Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan say that the ‘old rules’ of product-based and consumer-based marketing will fail to do this. Companies need instead, to focus on creating products, services and entire corporate cultures, which are customer value driven at a more multi-dimensional, fundamental level.

To give a general idea, the following are the main differences between the three concepts:

Marketing 1.0 – product-centric, or the marketing of the industrial age, when marketing was about selling factory outputs. Marketing was transaction orientated: how to make a sale.

Marketing 2.0 – consumer-based, where marketing is relationship orientated -how to keep customers coming back and buying more.

Marketing 3.0 – value driven marketing, the linkage of three building blocks

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